Round Rules Options
The Game Navigator menu allows you prepare games before it’s time to play, so that you can easily transition between rounds and questions as you host your game. To see the Game Navigator, tap the top of the screen that displays the round/game name (for instance “Freestyle Round”). To edit or create a new prepared game, tap Load Prepared Game from the Game Navigator.
Customizing Rounds
A prepared game can have one or more rounds. Round rules can be customized as follows.
Scoring and Timing
- Points for Correct Answers: The number of points awarded when a player buzzes in and the host taps the “Correct” button.
- Points for Incorrect Answers: The number of points penalized when a player buzzes in and the host taps the “Incorrect” button. This is entered as a positive value and is subtracted for incorrect answers. If you don’t want to penalize incorrect answers, enter 0 for this value.
- Time To Buzz In: The number of seconds that will count down after the host taps the “Start Timer” button (which is intended to be tapped after reading a question). When this timer elapses, the buzzers will become disabled for a moment, and the host should move on to the next question. This is an optional feature; the host can move on to the next question at their own pace instead of using this timer if that would be a better fit for the game.
- Time To Answer: The number of seconds that will count down after a player buzzes in. This timer will begin automatically after a player buzzes in. Once the timer expires, nothing will happen automatically; the host must still indicate whether the player answered correctly or incorrectly.
Round Style
There are two round style options in the “Round Style” section: Regular Round and Timed Round.
Appearance for Television
The active round can affect what is seen on the TV screen and can be customized in the “Appearance for Television” section on the Round Rules screen.
- Television Display Style: When the Round Intro is on the TV screen, the background is determined by this option.
- Use Style on Game Board: The selection from the “Television Display Style” section will be displayed on the Game Board screen if this switch is on.
- Intro Song: The song that will be played when the Round Intro is on the TV screen.
Question Sets
Rounds can have one or more question sets associated with them. When the host begins a round, the Questions Pane will automatically populate with the questions from the question sets in the round.